Posted: 2018-04-02 22:10:12

Updated April 03, 2018 10:36:44

A 13-year-old boy was miraculously rescued after falling into a river of sewage in Los Angeles, getting swept away and spending more than 12 hours in the toxic environment of the city's mazelike underground pipeline system.

Jesse Hernandez was playing with other children on wooden planks over an access portal to the sewer system during a family outing at a Los Angeles park on Sunday (local time).

A plank broke and Jesse fell about eight metres and landed in fast-moving sewage, said Brian Humphrey, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The other children raised the alarm, initiating a frantic and exhaustive 12-hour search of labyrinthine underground pipes using cameras propped on flotation devices.

Rescuers finally found Jesse after seeing images of handprints on a sewer. A sanitation crew rushed to the area and opened a manhole.

"The first thing they heard was 'Help'," said Adel Hagekhalil, assistant general manager of the sanitation department.

The crew lowered a hose down to Jesse, who was about three metres deep in the pipe.

"He caught onto the hose and was reeled back up," Mr Hagekhalil said.

Rescuers gave him immediate medical attention, including hosing him down to get rid of the sewage and cleaning out his eyes and nose with sterile saline, Mr Humphrey said.

About 731 metres of pipe had been inspected when rescuers found Jesse less than 2 kilometres from where he disappeared. He was taken to a hospital for a full evaluation and to be reunited with his family.

In addition to the massive rescue effort involving more than 100 people, Mr Humphrey credited Jesse for his survival.

Not only did he survive getting swept through sewage moving at 24 kilometres per hour, he managed to find a pocket of breathable air and hang on until he was found, authorities said.

"Any subterranean location, particularly one that involves waste, can produce toxic gases — methane, hydrogen sulphide — so breathable air is a key element," Mr Humphrey said.

"The odds of someone falling into such a pipe and surviving are slim. The odds were not in his favour, and many would call it miraculous."

He called Jesse "a resolute young man".

"He has tremendous inner strength," Mr Humphrey said. "It's obvious he's not a quitter."

Jesse immediately asked for a phone to call his family. A worker handed him a phone and he called his mum.

"He was happy. The family was happy," Mr Hagekhalil said, adding that rescuers were thrilled at the outcome.

After an accident like Jesse's, rescuers say the likelihood of someone being found safe diminishes by the hour.

"They never gave up hope," he said. "They wanted to bring Jesse back to his family."


Topics: accidents---other, human-interest, united-states

First posted April 03, 2018 08:10:12

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