Posted: 2018-03-18 01:06:32

Updated March 18, 2018 13:32:04

My hardworking colleagues at the ABC's Washington bureau have become used to it.

The Friday firings, the damning texts, the sheer speed and chaos that swirls every day around Donald Trump.

As a blow-in, I'm still astounded by it all.

But behind what sometimes look like disconnected events, a pattern is emerging.

The 45th President of the United States is afraid of the FBI Mueller investigation into possible Russian collusion over the 2016 election.

And day by day he and others in his administration appear to be doing all they can to undermine and discredit those regarded as key witnesses.

It puts the President Donald Trump almost at war with the FBI, an otherwise trusted institution.

The sacking of the former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is just the latest example.

At 10pm on Friday news programs flashed that Mr McCabe, who was deputy under now-sacked FBI director James Comey, was out.

This followed an internal investigation into his handling of the Hilary Clinton email leaks ahead of the 2016 election.

But the timing seemed vindictive coming just over a day before Mr McCabe's 50th birthday when he would have qualified for as pension.

As it stands after 20 years with the bureau, he walks away with nothing but a presidential good riddance tweet.

The President's personal lawyer, John Dowd, followed that up with demands the whole Russia inquiry should be shut down.

But Mr McCabe may have something more valuable than his defiance and pride as he goes — documents.

Memo's to be precise.

Because when Mr Trump sacked Mr Comey, last May, Mr McCabe became acting director.

And in that capacity he says he had three face-to-face meetings and a phone call with the President.

All of which it is thought he diarised and may now end up supporting his old boss Mr Comey's evidence to the Mueller inquiry.

Mr McCabe contends the President often raised his wife's political links to the Clintons, something Mr Trump denies.

Remember, the Mueller inquiry will look into not just allegations of collusion with Russia but if there was any attempt to pervert the course of the investigation.

The Attorney-General, Jeff Sessions, did the Friday night honours, dispatching Mr McCabe.

That was quite an irony given the strong rumours it was Mr Sessions who was going to be shown the well-oiled Donald door.

All this in a week when the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, found out he's been booted into retirement via a Presidential tweet.

Mr McCabe's dismissal has sparked outrage.

Former CIA director, John Brennan tweeted his warning to the President.

The fear is with Mr McCabe and Mr Comey gone the President's men and woman may now try to close down Mr Mueller as well.

Even though Donald Trump has previously said he would fully co-operate with the inquiry, last week's news of subpoenas against his private Trump companies may have changed his mind.

Democrats, including senator Mark Warner, are sounding the alarm.

That sense of urgency will resonate in Democrat-dominated Washington or New York.

But in the Trump heartlands his supporters may fully accept their President's explanation that the FBI and other institutions are corrupt and part of an anti-Trump deep state conspiracy.

If you believe that then any move against Mr Mueller would seem reasonable.

Just as any adverse finding against the Trump campaign or the President himself could be dismissed.

The President's demonisation of the FBI will no doubt have already had an effect on that institution's national standing.

But it has also hardened and refocused opposition to Donald Trump.

If the President does move directly against the inquiry you will probably see protestors in the street.

It's hard to imagine how the current manoeuvres will end well for Mr Trump.

If his critics are right about what is happening, history shows the cover-up is what can get you just as easily as any alleged crime.

Richard Nixon found that out the hard way.

Mr Comey made it clear Mr Trump may yet regret taking on the FBI.

All this confusion and I haven't even started on the President and the porn star Stormy Daniels.

That's for another day.

Topics: world-politics, government-and-politics, donald-trump, united-states

First posted March 18, 2018 12:06:32

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