One of the world's most beloved theoretical physicists has died. And even though he spent much of his life in a wheelchair and communicating through a computer, he never stopped working.
Stephen Hawking first made a name for himself in the 1970s, but he kept asking the big questions until the end.
Here are just a few of the mind-blowing discoveries Professor Hawking made throughout his stellar, five-decade-long career.
The universe started as a singularity
It's only fitting that Professor Hawking's first big discovery addressed the very first moments of the universe.
The big bang theory — that the universe expanded from a minuscule dot that expanded (and is still expanding) — is widely accepted today.
But in the 1960s that wasn't the case.
As a young researcher at Cambridge, Professor Hawking started thinking about the problem in terms of Einstein's theory of general relativity.
With mathematician Roger Penrose, Professor Hawking published a paper in 1970 showing that the big bang theory must hold true.
Black holes aren't completely black
Most of Professor Hawking's work, though, applies to black holes: a patch of space where gravity is so intense that nothing — not even light — can escape.
A black hole's event horizon is the boundary where a particle would have to travel faster than the speed of light to escape.
But what if black holes emitted a bit of radiation?
Enter quantum theory. Empty space isn't empty: pairs of particles, one matter and one anti-matter, continually spontaneously pop into existence.
They quickly destroy each other, so fast they can't be detected.
Professor Hawking thought that if these particle pairs popped up next to a black hole, one particle might fall inside the black hole's event horizon.
The other would dribble off into space. This tiny amount of energy is called Hawking radiation.
And if the anti-matter particle was sucked in by the black hole, the total energy of the black hole would drop ever so slightly and so would its mass.
Then, over vast aeons — far longer than the age of the universe — black holes would end their life in an explosion.
In his 1974 paper on the topic, Professor Hawking wrote: "This is a fairly small explosion by astronomical standards, but it is equivalent to about 1 million 1 megaton hydrogen bombs."
There might not be any black holes at all
Never afraid of a bold idea, Professor Hawking proposed in a 2014 paper that instead of having an event horizon, a black hole is surrounded by an "apparent horizon".
Rather than blocking absolutely everything from escaping, an apparent horizon would hold energy and matter temporarily before spitting it back out into space (but jumbled up).
He concluded:
Black holes store information — as a hologram
What happens to all the physical "information" swallowed by a black hole when it shrinks and is annihilated?
General relativity states that is should be destroyed, but quantum mechanics says the opposite.
Professor Hawking dealt with this corker of a question in 2015.
His idea was that information, once it passes the event horizon, doesn't actually make it all the way inside a black hole.
Rather than being lost forever, information is encoded in a two-dimensional hologram right at the surface of the black hole's event horizon.
Where are all the time travellers?
Finally, a special shout-out goes to an experiment that exemplified Professor Hawking's knack for showmanship.
On June 28, 2009, he threw a party for time travellers.
Surrounded by bottles of champagne and plates of hors d'oeuvres, Professor Hawking waited … and waited … but no-one showed up.
In his television series, he said:
"I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible.
Tonight we'll raise a glass to you, Professor Hawking.