Posted: 2018-02-07 03:34:17

Updated February 07, 2018 15:56:45

The world's most powerful rocket, carrying Elon Musk's personal Tesla sports car, has shot for a solar orbit that will reach all the way to Mars. Here are photos of the launch.

On February 7, the Falcon Heavy rose from the same launch pad used by NASA almost 50 years ago to send men to the moon.

Mr Musk said rocket tests usually contained concrete or steel blocks, but that was just "extremely boring".

So the Tesla boss decided to send his car into space instead.

"I love the thought of a car drifting apparently endlessly through space and perhaps being discovered by an alien race millions of years in the future," he said on Twitter.

The Heavy's lift-off thrust is equal to approximately 18 Boeing 747 aircraft, doubling the lift-off punch of its closest competitor.

It will be able to send heavy cargo like satellites into space on behalf of governments and private companies.

"Driving" Mr Musk's car was a space-suited mannequin, named "Starman" after the David Bowie song.

"It's kind of silly and fun, but I think that silly and fun things are important," Mr Musk said.

"The imagery of it is something that's going to get people excited around the world."

Topics: science-and-technology, spacecraft, astronomy-space, space-exploration, united-states

First posted February 07, 2018 14:34:17

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