
US President Donald Trump was wrong to assert that a GOP-produced classified memo on FBI surveillance powers cleared him in the Russia investigation, according to Democratic and Republican politicians.
- Memo released last week alleges FBI misconduct in Trump probe
- President Donald Trump tweeted the document "totally vindicates" him
- But Democrats and some Republicans say Mr Trump is wrong
They expressed hope that special counsel Robert Mueller's work would continue without interference.
The memo released last week alleges misconduct on the part of the FBI and the Justice Department in obtaining a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to monitor former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page and his ties to Russia.
Specifically, it takes aim at the FBI's use of information from former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing allegations of ties between Mr Trump, his associates and Russia.
Democrats could seek a vote on publicly releasing their rebuttal memo when the GOP-led House Intelligence Committee meets late on Monday afternoon (local time).
The committee rejected that move last week, with one Republican member saying revisions were needed so the memo would not endanger national security.
Democratic member of the US House Intelligence Committee, Michael Quigley, expressed concern on Sunday that Mr Trump could censor the rebuttal memo.
"I think he would redact (the Democratic document) in a fit of hypocrisy," Mr Quigley said.
"I have more concern about the President than I do about my committee. The president is seriously delusional."
The Senate's Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, urged Mr Trump to back the public release and said that refusing to do so would show the President's intent to undermine the Russia investigation.
The committee's top Democrat, Adam Schiff, branded the GOP memo "a political hit job".

He questioned whether the chairman, Californian Republican Devin Nunes, had coordinated with the White House in drafting the document seized on by the President to vent his grievances against the nation's premier law enforcement agencies.
"The goal here is to undermine the FBI, discredit the FBI, discredit the Mueller investigation, do the President's bidding," Mr Schiff said on Sunday.
"I think it's very possible his staff worked with the White House."
Mr Nunes was asked during a January 29 committee meeting whether he had coordinated the memo with the White House.
"As far as I know, no," he responded, then refused to answer when asked whether his staff members had communicated with the White House.
He had previously apologised for sharing with the White House secret intelligence intercepts related to an investigation of Russian election interference before talking to committee members.
Mr Trump's Saturday tweet that the memo "totally vindicates 'Trump' in probe" even as "the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on" found no echo from four committee Republicans who appeared on the Sunday talk shows.
Republicans Chris Stewart, Brad Wenstrup, Will Hurd and Trey Gowdy were among those to speak out against the President's claim.
Mr Wenstrup said "I think this is a separate issue." Mr Stewart said, "No, it doesn't end that." Mr Hurd said "I don't" when asked whether he agreed with Mr Trump. Mr Gowdy, when asked whether the memo affected the investigation, said, "No, not to me, it doesn't, and I was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it."
"I think it would be a mistake for anyone to suggest that the special counsel shouldn't complete his work. I support his work. I want him to finish it. I hope he finishes it as quickly as possible," Mr Stewart said.
Democrats Mr Schiff and Senator Dick Durbin also said the memo did not vindicate Mr Trump.
Topics: donald-trump, world-politics, us-elections, united-states
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