
A group of disabled teenagers is taking centre stage in Launceston, as part of a new, socially-inclusive arts program.
Six teenagers are working with acting coach Gerard Lane to learn skills such as mime, improvisation and musical theatre.
Disability support service St Giles developed the program to improve access to the arts in Launceston.
Madi Kester, 16, is one of the participants and said script work had been her favourite part of the classes.
"[We performed] the script from the pilot of Supernatural, and I was Sam Winchester," she said.
"Everyone is pretty chilled, not really much judgment going around, I guess."
Madi's mother, Erin Kester, said her daughter had struggled since moving to Tasmania late last year.
"She felt so out of place, uncomfortable. Now she's made a friend. She's itching to come every week," she said.
"It's been fantastic for Madi, to be able to get with other kids that have got the same sort of needs as Madi but not to feel judged or anything.
"Just to be able to let loose, to have fun, while you're with other people so they're not only developing those sort of relaxed skills, they're also developing their social skills, friendships which for a lot of these kids are so important.
"She's come out of her shell so much."
Rachel Freeman, 17, also named script work as her favourite part of the class.
"I like drama because I love the scripts and playing games and stuff," she said.
Liam Connolly's confidence has grown since starting the program at the start of the school term.
"I try my hardest in these classes," the 17-year-old said.
"(I like) trying to participate some more and try to be with my friends"
St Giles' Services and Development Director Mark Deverell said he hoped the classes gave young people with disabilities a safe space to learn theatre skills.
"It is a program that enables people that maybe are a little bit shy and unconfident to actually participate," he said.
"There is a gap. There have been services that have attempted to do a similar program.
"[It's about] building people's confidence, developing social networks, getting people out there. Most people here have expressed an interest in drama and are wanting to actually link with more community based services and not necessarily focus on disability specific drama."
Acting coach Gerard Lane said he wanted to "build from the ground up a drama program that some of these kids would never have access to".
"A lot of these kids don't have a voice, they don't make a sound, they don't want to make a sound," he said.
"They may have speech difficulties, so this is one way of getting them out of their shells, if they're not using sound, then using mime as well."
He said the program also acted as a stepping stone to broader community theatre.
"We want to bring in other people from the community, from different theatre companies, to show (the kids) costume department, to show them lighting, and show them other opportunities in the theatre," Mr Lane said.
"Hopefully if we link them up with different theatre companies, when the program finishes, they'll have something to go, to find a new community to connect with."

Topics: disabilities, arts-and-entertainment, community-and-society, launceston-7250