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Posted: 2017-11-08 19:44:54

… Rebekha Sharkie, lower house MP for the Nick Xenophon Team.

Turns out she may have still technically been a British citizen when election nominations closed.

She got confirmation she had renounced her citizenship on June 29, but nominations closed on June 9.

So, even though she filed the paperwork renouncing her citizenship well before the election (in April last year), the lack of clarity over the interpretation of Section 44 of the Constitution means her eligibility is uncertain.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called her today and said she may have to be referred to the High Court.

Sharkie issued a statement, shared on Twitter by HuffPost’s Karen Barlow:

The seemingly widening crisis that has engulfed the government and the parliament rolls on, and despite Turnbull meeting with opposition leader Bill Shorten yesterday for talks, there is still no clear pathway for resolving the status of all MPs.

There’s more at Sky News.

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